Income Jump in 8 Steps

Bundling together trainings and workbooks of the eight steps it took me to break through my $10k AND $100k month ceiling, and all the financial milestones I've crossed since then.

This is my tried and true strategy for income jumps.

This is for you if... 

You’re a creative and/or entrepreneur that's sick of just getting by. Whether you've just replaced your 9-5 salary but are ready for more, or you're still stuck at "barely enough," this is for the entrepreneur that's ready for limitless.

I'm Leah,
and here's why I created this...

I built my online coaching and content business from the ground up since it started as a (somewhat humiliating attempt of a) blog.

In under five years, that blog, chronolicalling the lost days of my early twenties, trying to navigate life in New York City, into a thriving business. 

I went from a paycheck to paycheck side hustler to have six-figure months, all working from my 13″ laptop.

More importantly, I’ve been able to help hundreds of entrepreneurs start business, leave their 9-5 jobs, and through our high-level offerings, our clients hit five-figure months and six-figure years.

Through all the milestones I've achieved, my first $10k month was the hardest. And I knew I never wanted to go through it again. That's why I broke down everything it took to get there and want to share it with you.

What's included:   

  • Five Recorded Training videos. Ask me anything about business strategy, money, sales, your goals, and your mindset.
  • Eight Workbooks. A monthly teaching from my Leah Gervais Methodology, the method that I use to go from milestone to milestone. 
  • Mindset exercises. Pick from my personal library of exercises and shifts that allow me to stay in action and momentum, and get me results.

Download Income Jump in 8 Steps Now 

You get everything for $997

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I went from a "for fun" side hustle  

to ---> 

Six-figure months with my location-independent business  

A peek inside...

Mindset exercises

In-depth workbooks

"I’m working for myself, traveling full time, and making money doing the things I love most."

“Two years ago I was working a 9-5 job and living in LA unsure of what was next with my career and business.  Now, I’m working for myself, traveling full time with my husband, and making money doing the things I love most. I’ve been able to spend the past few months traveling without feeling stressed about money, begin a new business with my husband, and wake up each morning ready to conquer the day.” – Anna McNaught

Ready to change your life?

You get everything for $997

Monthly Workbooks

Our Clients' Success Stories:


“I’ve leveled up in entrepreneurship and made back my investment. Leah is such a kind soul who truly wants to see you succeed and helps you mentally & tactically. After working with her, I was able to launch a new website, launch my new ebook and ecourse, travel full-time and have clarity in my business direction with the support of other successful entrepreneurs. Her guidance is SO worth the investment every time, you won’t regret it! Thank you, Leah!” – Danielle Hu


“When I first wanted to start my entrepreneurial journey, I knew I wanted to create something online, but I had no clue how to go about it, no strategy in place and was a bit overwhelmed. Working with Leah has given me the inspiration and the proof that I could create an online business around my 9-5 job and live off my passion for food and fitness. Thanks to her I have launched several programs and built a community that I am proud of, and that enabled me to quit my 9-5 and backpack through South America while working on my business!” – Ines Schuber


“Working with Leah changed not only my business, but my life. I went from a stressed out, overworked freelance writer to a five-figure month entrepreneur in less than 30 days. For me, Leah’s mix of mindset and tactical advice was exactly what I needed to both give myself the permission and plan to create the success I always dreamed of. Throughout our time together, I went from $3K to $20K months, connected with the types of clients I always hoped to work with, and perhaps most importantly, realized how much I really had to offer.” – Dylan Essertier

"I'm making sales consistently with less effort"

“Before working with Leah: I was working on a business I wasn’t in love with, struggling to make consistent sales, and holding myself back from going all in. After working with Leah: I’ve launched a new business that I’m so passionate about, am making sales consistently with less effort, and am so excited to take my business to the next level. I’ve been able to hit my highest income month yet, even while dealing with personal struggles, have been able to run my business while supporting my family, and have given myself the gift of creating something I love.” 
– Alyssa Keil

Who am I, anyway...?

I'm Leah & I'm here to help you live in the freedom that you desire... from your laptop

In building my website and business, I have tried everything under the sun, and I know what works. I am now an email marketing expert and spend my days supporting entrepreneurs in success mindset.

 And I know this:  

  • You DO have enough time, even with a 9-5.
  • Your idea IS good enough, it just needs structure.
  • You CAN monetize to make more than your day job. 
  • You DEFINITELY DO NOT need to do this alone.  

That's just what this program is here for!

Ready to change your life?

You get everything for $997

Imagine A World In Which You...

  • Made consistent five-figure months. This is what inspired the bunde to begin with; the dream that five-figure months could be my new normal. They can be yours too.
  • Sell with confidence and ease. Have a blueprint for upleveling your income goal at every level. This worked for me not just at five-figure months, but every income goal I use it for.
  • Impact the lives of others. Your business is not just about your success, it's also about the difference you can make by getting out there. But that won't happen unless you step it up.

Your questions about Income Jump in 8 Steps, answered...

#1. Why did I create this? 

We want to offer something with accessible pricing and with content that would apply to side hustlers, entrepreneurs of all industries, and even creatives within 9-5 jobs or start ups. Additionally, the focus of this bundle (Leah's first $10k month) was one of her hardest income goals to hit. We want to help as many others reach that as possible.

#2. Do I have access to this bundle forever?

Yes! Once you purchase this, it is yours for life.

#3. What is the refund policy?

Because you receive everything upon purchasing, no refunds are available once you purchase.

Ready to change your life?

Get everything for $997

Client Success Stories 

Having a front row seat into the businesses, growth and lives of my clients is the best part of running this business. On this page, we hope you’ll join us in celebrating the successes of our amazing clients!

"Leah offers amazing support, accountability, and true partnership with Leah. I realize the impact of my gifts and talents and the way I am meant to follow our passion wholeheartedly. I have realized over $15,000 in sales. Leah is an amazing woman with an sharp business mind, savvy technology sense, vibrant energy, and an incredible heart.”

- Shannon McGorry, Founder of Love, Strength, and Grace

"My programs are full + still growing, my income has increased and I hit my first 10k+ sales month, and I have learned how to focus my efforts each month on growing my business, which has resulted in me launching my online membership! As a result, I’ve been able to travel + live out West all summer while building my business, to have a group of entrepreneurial women to support me that I didn’t have before, and I’m living the life I’ve always dreamed of because I finally have a fully online business!"

Jacquie Smith
Founder of Little Adapts by Jax

"I have to remember how fast this all happened. My first client was signed end of October (4 months ago). I now have five or six consistent clients at a time and a group that just launched. It’s crazy to think that in four months, this is what’s happening. This has been four months of really committing and making this work. It has been so fun to see the change happen for me and my clients."

Alli Williams
Founder of FinanciALLI Focused

“The time I spent working with Leah was absolutely life-changing. Before working with Leah, I was a side hustle hobbyist. I had an idea of what I wanted, I made small amounts of money (inconsistently) but lacked the practicality of an online business regimen/strategy to drive anything forward. I had contemplated hiring a Coach for sometime and I ultimately decided on Leah as I was impressed at everything she’d achieved at a young age. “ 

Rachele Voigt
Founder of RacheleRADIO

Ready to change your life?

Get everything for $997!